It was quite cold outdoors. Kimi was chatting with her friends when she saw Vivan walking towards the vegetable vendor. He was wearing a pink sweater. Kimi pointed her finger towards Vivan and started giggling. All her friends looked at Vivan and couldn’t stop laughing. But Ruhi was silently looking towards Vivan. Kimi said, “A boy with a pink sweater. No wonder, he’s not popular in school. He just doesn’t pay attention to his looks.’’ Ruhi didn’t think it was funny for boys to wear pink. She said, “Why can’t boys wear pink? You are wearing trousers. Does that mean you are a boy?’’ Kimi was wondering why Ruhi was talking so seriously about this. She replied, “Ruhi, most of the girls and women wear jeans and trousers. There’s nothing boyish about it. But it would be funny if men roam around in skirts.’’ Ruhi smiled and said, “Actually men do wear skirts in Scotland. It is called a kilt. Even now during traditional events men in Scotland wear these skirts.’’ Kimi couldn’t believe this. She went home and searched about this on the internet. She was surprised to know that Ruhi was right.
[Contributed by on 11. April 2018 20:57:13]
Confirm Finish Lesson: Lesson 12. The Pink Sweater?
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The pink sweater
It was quite cold outdoors. Kimi was chatting with her friends when she saw Vivan walking towards the vegetable vendor. He was wearing a pink sweater. Kimi pointed her finger towards Vivan and started giggling. All her friends looked at Vivan and couldn’t stop laughing. But Ruhi was silently looking towards Vivan. Kimi said, “A boy with a pink sweater. No wonder, he’s not popular in school. He just doesn’t pay attention to his looks.’’ Ruhi didn’t think it was funny for boys to wear pink. She said, “Why can’t boys wear pink? You are wearing trousers. Does that mean you are a boy?’’ Kimi was wondering why Ruhi was talking so seriously about this. She replied, “Ruhi, most of the girls and women wear jeans and trousers. There’s nothing boyish about it. But it would be funny if men roam around in skirts.’’ Ruhi smiled and said, “Actually men do wear skirts in Scotland. It is called a kilt. Even now during traditional events men in Scotland wear these skirts.’’ Kimi couldn’t believe this. She went home and searched about this on the internet. She was surprised to know that Ruhi was right.